Google buzz

Buzz updates comming

Posted by Andy on March 12, 2010
Cool Tech, Social Networking / Comments Off on Buzz updates comming

Have you been using Google Buzz?  I’ve been playing with it, and I like the way conversations flow, but honestly it’s just a little too much at the moment.  I follow just a few people, but some are verbose and have lots of comments.  The nice thing is that you are not limited to 140 characters, but the really really really BAD thing is that you can’t collapse the comments at all.  That means that if I have 100 new posts to read, I get through about 3 before I give up.  With all of the comments displayed, you have to scroll through endless nonsense to just see what you might want to read.  totally annoying.

At least Google seems to be addressing things that people complain about, and is adding some control options to help limit the inbox flow for Buzz.  Specifically,  the ability to choose which items get sent to your inbox.  If you just want an e-mail when someone comments on your post, it will soon be possible.   If you want just posts where you are @replied, that’s possible as well.   The second feature is a “Mute” link on individual buzz posts, which will stop a buzz post from reappearing in your inbox every time someone comments.

Good starts, but where is the supress comments??!!??
