TweetDeck to manage your Tweets

Posted by Andy on April 22, 2009
Cool Tech, Tech Tips

Twitter is taking off like wildfire – you just can’t get away from it.  I’m still not a huge buyer of the technology, but as the number of people I follow increases, I’ve been having a hard time sorting through the posts.

Until now.

Enter TweetDeck, “A Simple and Fast Way to Experience Twitter”.   TweetDeck organizes your tweets in a simple columnar format so that you can run through posts quickly and easily.  You can also group people you follow into categories so that you can, for example, separate friends from colleagues.

Replies are also separated into a column so that you can see them easily.  This is really neat – a friend of mine replied to a tweet I posted a month or more ago and I missed it.  Once I loaded tweetdeck, the reply was right there and I was able to respond, belatedly, to him.

Additionally, the application will post an on screen notification (similar to outlooks new mail notifications, when a new tweet arrives.  This is helpful if the application itself is closed but you want to know when new tweets are posted.

Overall I’m really happy with the application – it makes browsing through my tweets much more efficient.

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